Mar 3, 2009

Freudian Slipping All Over the Place

Long day. Long fucking day. I discovered that reading Flaubert's "Un Coeur Simple" in the original French is about 50 times more tedious than reading the English translation. Poutain! So anyway, in order to cheer myself up I did my usual routine: curled up in bed with a box of half-eaten chocolates and my iTunes crooning Apologies to The Queen Mary, and checked out the latest posts on Tiny Mixtapes. Despite the fact that the mixtape robots NEVER reply to any of my requests, they do frequently come up with some pretty excellent playlists. For example, they just came up with a list of Songs for Freudian Slips. I happen to be someone who frequently falls prey to the Freudian slip, so I'm pumped to listen to this mix. Especially since it includes Sigur Ros AND Bon Iver. This should be good!!

P.S. On a completely unrelated note, I found this picture among some saved nonsense on my computer, and thought it was a good response to Emmie's post from yesterday:

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