In the past year I've pretty much completely run out of poetic inspiration, so I've been dipping into a wide variety of sources looking for something else to put my energy into. Most recently, I combined my love of A Softer World, Philip Levine, and my Diana + camera, the result of which was a messy, vague photo-narrative with captions that--removed from their original context (
My Father with Cigarette Twelve Years Before the Nazis Could Break His Heart by Levine)--utterly fail to cohere. Oh well. It's more productive than writing angry haiku to my absent muses.
Then there's this one, which has nothing to do with Levine, just my occasional desire to run away. Possibly join the circus. Or live with the wolves. (Emmie, I assume you'll be joining me for that.)
And lastly there is this lovely piece of melodrama, which I use try--and fail--to convince myself to quit smoking: